Our Weekend Itinerary

My friends are passing around emails about the hundreds of fun, free things happening this weekend in Chicago. Like the Chicago Blues Festival, the Old Town Arts Fair, and the Printer's Row Book Fair.

I love this itinerary. I would love it even more if my itinerary for the weekend weren't the following:

Fill up fuel tank
Fix generator
Change transmission oil
Finish touching up varnish
Change generator oil
Clean out office/bow of boat so my parents have a place to sleep
Clean the front bathroom so they can have some privacy
Clean the stateroom
Take everything extraneous to storage
Scrub everything in site
Vacuum the cats

Can you tell my parents are coming to visit? We’re taking them on a five-day Father’s Day fishing trip across Lake Michigan and down the coast of Michigan back to Chicago.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Please film the "vacuum the cats" portion of the weekend. The haircuts cracked me up- I can only imagine what the vacuuming would do.